Cast a Cold Eye

“Cast a cold eye on life, on death. Horseman, pass by,” read the words on the tombstone of Irish poet William Butler Yeats. Most of us would cast a cold eye on death, but on life? Does a passionate love of life make it harder to let go at life’s end, or does it make it easier, knowing that you have fully embraced what was given to you, for however long it was given?

 How do you live so that you can meet your eventual end with grace?

Simchat Torah

On Simchat Torah, the celebration of the completion of the yearly cycle of reading from the Torah, Jews march and dance around the synagogue carrying the Torah scroll. And then, as part of the joyful celebration, they start the cycle of reading over again: B’reshit…In the beginning…

What is ending in your life? How might that ending bring a joyful beginning?