Sandy Snowman

The stores and the radio are full of songs about dashing through the snow and letting it snow and all forms of a white Christmas. But for half of the world this is summer, and even many of us in the Northern Hemisphere will never see snow. Oftentimes the picture that the world paints of what our holidays should look like has very little correspondence with reality. Far better to build a “snowman” on the beach than to fret about how your life doesn’t match someone else’s picture.

What unconventional bits of your holidays do you treasure?


For Sukkot, the Festival of Booths, Jews build a flimsy structure that is permeable enough to the outside that you can see the stars through the roof. Throughout the eight-day holiday the faithful eat, hang out, or even sleep in this fragile, leafy hut.

This week, how will you allow yourself to be open and vulnerable to the world around you?