Alone at Last

In this holiday season when all the talk is of family and being together, a deserted island might strike you as a place of intolerable loneliness, or it might seem like a paradise where you could finally have room to breathe and be yourself. Even the most social of us need moments when we can be alone with our own thoughts.

How will you find a moment today to cherish being by yourself?

Alone in the Snow

A baby harp seal in its fluffy white coat blends in with the snow, making it almost invisible to predators. But to its mother, each little seal is instantly identifiable, and she is drawn to the scent of the one baby, amidst all the others, that belongs to her. So long as its mother is alive, no young harp seal is really alone.

Who will you find, so long as they need you? Who will come find you if you are in need?


Sometimes solitude is a burden, bringing a sense of loneliness or abandonment, a feeling that we are lost and alone. Sometimes solitude is a blessing, a peaceful moment when we can return fully to our own self, a time apart to finally rest in the quiet. Either way, it is a temporary state. The footprints of those who share our lives always surround us.

Today, do you seek solitude or company? Whose footprints will the ocean erase, and whose will continue to appear alongside your own?