Palm Trees

Palm-Trees1-150x150Do you dream of a vacation in a tropical paradise, where palm trees grow on sandy beaches, and warm breezes caress your skin? Just for a moment, close your eyes and visit this island paradise. Then remember that people who live in tropical lands have work and money troubles and aging parents and troubled children and all the difficulties of daily life in colder climes.

How will you find a moment today to relax and find peace in the perfect place where you already are?

Up in the Air

Babies generally love being tossed in the air—often to the discomfort of those who are watching. We grownups can imagine failing to catch the infant, the dreadful fall, the injuries that could ensue, the terrible guilt based on one clumsy moment. But for the baby nothing is present but the magical pleasure of flying, knowing that you are always caught.

How do you find ways to let go of everything that stands in the way of experiencing the moment?

Alone at Last

In this holiday season when all the talk is of family and being together, a deserted island might strike you as a place of intolerable loneliness, or it might seem like a paradise where you could finally have room to breathe and be yourself. Even the most social of us need moments when we can be alone with our own thoughts.

How will you find a moment today to cherish being by yourself?

Palm Trees

Do you dream of a vacation in a tropical paradise, where palm trees grow on sandy beaches, and warm breezes caress your skin? Just for a moment, close your eyes and visit this island paradise. Then remember that people who live in tropical lands have work and money troubles and aging parents and troubled children and all the difficulties of daily life in colder climes.

How will you find a moment today to relax and find peace in the perfect place where you already are?


Wouldn’t it be great if a stopwatch would actually stop and restart time, rather than just stopping and starting a timer? I’m afraid the closest we’ll ever be able to come to that fantasy is to learn to be fully present and alive in the moments that we are given.

If you could pause time for some bit of your life, what moment would you choose?