Up in the Air

Babies generally love being tossed in the air—often to the discomfort of those who are watching. We grownups can imagine failing to catch the infant, the dreadful fall, the injuries that could ensue, the terrible guilt based on one clumsy moment. But for the baby nothing is present but the magical pleasure of flying, knowing that you are always caught.

How do you find ways to let go of everything that stands in the way of experiencing the moment?


For Sukkot, the Festival of Booths, Jews build a flimsy structure that is permeable enough to the outside that you can see the stars through the roof. Throughout the eight-day holiday the faithful eat, hang out, or even sleep in this fragile, leafy hut.

This week, how will you allow yourself to be open and vulnerable to the world around you?

A Wider View

In this time of intense political fervor, when stakes are high and opinions strong, it’s all too easy to become entrenched in our own particular viewpoint, and to dismiss anyone whose world view is different as an idiot. Sometimes our mental and spiritual health requires that we take a step back and try to look at the world from a broader angle, to walk out of the trees and gaze at the horizon.

Where do you go to gain a broader perspective on life?