
IronWorkers-150x150These builders work at heights most of us would find terrifying, constructing the bones of an edifice that thousands of people will walk through and work in without the least concern. They understand that all you need to move around safely is a place to put your foot for the next step.

What girders form the basis for your stability? What do you stand on as you move through the world?

Up in the Air

Babies generally love being tossed in the air—often to the discomfort of those who are watching. We grownups can imagine failing to catch the infant, the dreadful fall, the injuries that could ensue, the terrible guilt based on one clumsy moment. But for the baby nothing is present but the magical pleasure of flying, knowing that you are always caught.

How do you find ways to let go of everything that stands in the way of experiencing the moment?

Alone in the Snow

A baby harp seal in its fluffy white coat blends in with the snow, making it almost invisible to predators. But to its mother, each little seal is instantly identifiable, and she is drawn to the scent of the one baby, amidst all the others, that belongs to her. So long as its mother is alive, no young harp seal is really alone.

Who will you find, so long as they need you? Who will come find you if you are in need?


These builders work at heights most of us would find terrifying, constructing the bones of an edifice that thousands of people will walk through and work in without the least concern. They understand that all you need to move around safely is a place to put your foot for the next step.

What girders form the basis for your stability? What do you stand on as you move through the world?